Piano Institute
A summer piano camp for students of all ages and skillsets.
hilltop piano institute
The Hilltop Piano Institute is a summer piano camp hosted by bte365官网地址 music faculty on campus for young, budding pianists!
Our goal at HPI is to provide tools and resources to enhance young musicians’ enjoyment of the piano and to foster a deeper appreciation for music and music ministry.
Get an overview of all the fun things at HPI and what to expect!
Join us as a camper or sponsor May 27 – 31, 2024 for a week of enrichment and fun!
Note: Both students and sponsors will need to apply. Thanks for your response!
What is camp like?
We’re glad you asked! (Basically… it’s a lot of fun!)
Camp guests have the opportunity to:
- Participate in fun group activities
- Attend upbeat classes with with lots of interaction between students and teachers
- Learn techniques to become more effective in practice & performance
- Work with a supportive community of teachers who are passionate about music and investing in musicians
- Visit the lives and drama of famous composers
- Explore a specific musical focus (e.g. playing with other instrumentalists and/or accompanying; hymn-playing, improvisation and arranging; building skills like sight-reading and ear training, or playing the organ)
Check out our HPI Overview for a detailed list of all the fun things camp includes and for a sample schedule of what your average day could look like!
What will I need for camp?
Great question!
- Follow directions in the application to make payment.
- Be sure to apply before the deadline—May 13th
- When you apply, you’ll need to complete and submit this General Release Waiver.
- Now it’s time to pack! Check out our handy Camp Packing List for what to bring!
Apply by April 29th for our Early Bird Discount, and apply by May 13th to attend!
Apply here, then pay below.
How do I Pay?
Full payment is due upon submission of application.
On our Make a Payment page under “Designation” choose “Other” and specify “HPI.”
Pricing & Payment
Student applications:
- received by April 29th—$190
- received after April 29th—$215
Sponsors planning to attend—$65
Sample Schedule
See what a typical day at HPI looks like!
Refund Policy
No refunds after May 13.
hilltop piano institute
Who can attend HPI?
All piano students—intermediate through advanced level, junior high through high school—can participate.
Students should have had at least two years of piano and be currently taking lessons.
Exceptions may be made on an individual basis.
Are auditions required?
No auditions are required to attend camp.
What extracurricular activities will there be?
Optional (but who wants to miss out?!) evening activities will be provided for campers.
Examples may include group devotions, organized sports, sight-seeing and concert venues!
Is lodging available?
Yes! Lodging is provided in the student dormitories.
If lodging is needed, be sure to indicate it in the application.
Note: Sponsors/Teachers for the event pay $50, which helps to cover the cost of lodging and meals along with event scheduling.
How much does it cost to attend HPI?
For applications received by May 1st the fee is $190.
For applications received after May 1st the fee is $215. (Application Deadline: May 13)
Am I eligible for any discounts?
A 10% discount is available for families enrolling two or more children in the Hilltop Piano Institute.
A 10% discount is offered for families in full-time Christian ministry. (Attendees are only eligible for one discount.)
All students have the opportunity to apply by May 1st for our Early-Bird discounted rate!
Instructor Videos
Watch these free instructor videos to take your piano playing to the next level and get a glimpse of what you can learn at HPI!